Technology for Travel

Supporting our personalised service and flexible 24/7 support, our innovative online booking tool, Thompsons Traveller Online, offer flexible and competitive travel options to streamline your corporate travel processes, track traveller behaviour, decrease your travel spend and unlock opportunities for cost savings whilst assisting with traveller safety through duty of care. 
Thompsons Traveller Online offers SMEs easy point-to-point travel bookings, negotiated rates and the ability to embed your travel policy and approval process in a custom-created online travel booking site. Thompsons Traveller Connect is an enhanced offering and the travel tech expense management solution of choice for larger companies requiring a greater depth of analysis and more automation.  
Our mobile travel tech empowers your travellers the freedom to plan and book their business trips, anytime, anywhere, including car rentals and destination services while our online expense management software gives your travellers the ability to capture travel receipts and for us to evaluate your corporate travel expense data and continually optimise your business travel programme.